Frequently Asked Questions - CELO

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Employment

Are there student jobs on-campus?

Student employment is available on-campus, as part of Federal Work-Study, and through other part-time positions. 


For students, who qualify for Federal Work-Study, as part of their financial aid award, we encourage you to apply for Work-Study jobs, either on-campus or off-campus. 

Work-study on-campus offers a convenient work experience in a department on campus, while Work-Study Off-campus allows students to gain experience at a local non-profit or private sector company. 

Part-Time Employment

Part-time positions may be available on-campus, hosted by individual departments.  These student support positions may vary by eligibility and qualifications. 

  • For a step-by-step application guide, click here:  Student Employment Application Guide.
  • To view and apply for student jobs on-campus, visit the Alamo Colleges District employment page:  Part-Time Job Opportunities
  • For assistance with your job search or application, contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO).

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Where can I work on-campus?

Position openings vary by department.  Some examples can include academic departments, Academic Advising, Advocacy Center, Information Technology, Library, Recruitment, Student Life, and Tutoring Services.

Speak to the hiring managers in the respective departments, in which you are interested in working or contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) for assistance in searching for a job placement.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

How do I apply for the jobs on-campus?

Positions are posted on the Alamo Colleges District employment webpage.  Visit the: Student Employment webpage for a current listing of job opportunities.

For a step-by-step application guide, click here:  Student Employment Application Guide.

To view and apply for student jobs on-campus, visit the Alamo Colleges District employment page:  Part-Time Job Opportunities

For assistance with your job search or application, contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO).

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Internships & Experiential Learning

How can I find an internship?

The Alamo Colleges District connects students to internships, as part of the Alamo on the Job internship program.  Student Interns are matched to a local business or organization in the greater San Antonio area, based on area of study and location.  Student Interns can work up to 20 hours per week and the duration of the internship can last up to 9 months. 

To learn more about the Alamo on the Job internship program, visit the program page:  Alamo on the Job.  

Students may also explore internship postings on the Alamo Colleges District job board, hosted by Handshake.  Access your Handshake account through the Student tab in ACES.

For assistance in searching and applying for internships, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Are there other types of career experiences?

Micro-internships offer short-term, paid, professional assignments, which enable students to demonstrate and refine work skills, gain industry experience, and receive pay for their work.  Many micro-internships can be performed remotely, and can typically be completed in 5 to 40 hours of work.  Project pay and position types may vary, but common examples include work related to sales, marketing, human resources, finance, and technology are often posted.

View the micro-internships student informational flyer here:  Parker Dewey Micro-Internships

To learn more about micro-internships, visit the micro-internships posting site, hosted by Parker Dewey

For assistance in searching and applying for micro-internships, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Career Advising

How do I decide on the right career? Am I in the right major/degree program?

Meeting with a Career Navigator can assist you in clarifying your career path.  We also recommend taking a career assessment to help identify your career interests.  Northeast Lakeview College offers two career assessments for students at no cost.

For instructions on taking the career assessments, click here:  Instructions for Career Assessments.

To review the results of your career assessment or discuss your career options, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Can I get help creating a résumé?

Career articles and videos have helpful information on developing an effective résumé.  To view tips on how to create a résumé, along with examples of résumés and cover letters, click on the Indeed Career Guide for:  Résumés & Cover Letters

A Career Navigator is available to review your résumé and offer feedback for improvements so that you can best highlight your skills and summarize your experience.  You may request a résumé review at any time, by emailing your résumé to the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) at:

To review your résumé in person or discuss specific concerns, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

How can I best prepare for an interview?

Career articles and videos have helpful information on preparing for a job interview.  To view tips on how to prepare for a job interview, click on the Indeed Career Guide for Interviewing.

A Career Navigator is available to assist you in preparing for a job interview and practicing with a mock interview.  To prepare and practice for a job interview, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142

Meet with a Career Navigator

How can I meet with a Career Navigator?

A Career Navigator is available to meet with students to discuss topics on Career Exploration, Career Experience (Student Jobs and Internships), and Career Readiness.  Meeting modalities can include email exchanges, phone calls, Zoom/web conferences, or in-person meetings.

To meet with a Career Navigator, please contact the Career Engaged Learning Office (CELO) to schedule an appointment.

Career Engaged Learning Office  |  |  (210) 486-5142